Rules of the Federation of
Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers
Article One. Purpose of the Federation
1.1 The Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers is nongovernmental organization which serves for the society and protects the rights of members by supporting to the development of possible types of selected horse racing sport in the home country, protecting the rights of thousands of horse racing children and trainers who are specialized on this national sport, implementing policy of horse racing development which generated among the people of Mongolia.
Article Two. Duty of the Federation
2.1 The Federation will work out the policy of development of horse racing and implement in the whole country
2.2 The Federation will have operation according to the relevant legislation as a part of Policy of Central Physical Sport Organization
2.3 Horse racing shall be organized by the Federation and its branches or their mutually agreed organizations and individuals
2.4 Improvise the national horse races, stabilize the future renews in the organizational method.
2.5 The Federation shall consider on issue of granting titles to the horse racing children and trainers according to the consolidated categorization of state sport titles and the law of Naadam National Festival
2.6 The Federation shall have activities to develop material base for national and modern horse racing
2.7 The Federation shall protect legal rights of its member
2.8 It shall be advanced the evaluation system on the labour of horse trainers and horse racing children
2.9 The Federation shall organize to measure on the security of horse racing children and horses
2.10 The Federation shall take part in Committee of National Festival horse racing
2.11 The Federation shall support work on fast horse heredity
2.12 It shall represent Mongolia on the issue of Equestrian Sport in the International level.
2.13 It shall develop possible types of Equestrian Sport, and execute the issue on the participation on the International or the world`s competition and Olympic Game
2.14 The Federation shall engage in business
Article Three. Structure of the Federation
3.1 The Federation consists of:
- Conference
- President, Premier Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary General
- Leading Members
- Branch Committee, Urban and Rural area
- Soum (small village), and district`s Branch Committee
3.2 The Federation shall have own flag, symbol, seal and official blanks.
Article Four. Conference
4.1 Superior body of the Federation shall be the Conference.
4.2 The Conference shall be held each 4 years
4.3 Non-regular Conference shall be held by proposals of 2/3 of Leading Members
4.4 Conference shall have the following rights:
- It shall determine the policy of the Federation and its priority
- The Leading Members of the Federation shall be 45 and selected directly
- Selecting President of the Federation
- Discussing and approving reports of the Federation`s flag and symbol
4.5 Honorary Leaders of the Federation shall be selected by the Conference
4.6 During the report of the Conference, the President of the Federation shall introduce Leading Members who are out of the Federation to the Leader`s meeting
Article Five. Leading Members
5.1 Leading Members shall be selected by the Conference
5.2 Leading Members shall be fully provided with their rights by paying annual tax
5.3 Leading Members shall be convened each team
5.4 Leading Members shall have the following rights and duties:
- Leading Members shall select Premier Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary General
- Leading Members shall include their proposals to the policy determination of the Federation activities
- Leading Members shall attend the organization of horse racing state level. They also shall organize horse racing in local and regional level. This shall be reflected into plan of the Federation
- Leading Members shall determine the tax rate
- Leading members shall discuss the issue of granting state title of horse trainers, and hand it to the President of Mongolia, through Organizing Committee of the National Festival
- According to the schedule which approved by Leading Member`s meeting, the Leading Members shall have job duties.
Article Six. President
6.1 The President shall supervise the Federation`s activities and have relation with the officials of external and internal organizations representing by the Federation
6.2 The President shall coordinate and supervise the Premier Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary General`s duties
6.3 The President shall organize the Federation`s capital and financial strength
6.4 The President shall have the right to spend the Federation`s capital and finance
6.5 The President shall direct the Leading Members meeting. The Premier Vice Chairman shall direct if President is absent the meeting
6.6 The President shall be re-elected once
Article Seven. Premier Vice Chairman
7.1 The Premier Vice President shall direct the Federation`s activities when the President is out
7.2 The Premier Vice President shall attend actively for the policy strengthen the Federation`s capital and finance
Article Eight. Vice Chairman
8.1 Vice Chairman shall attend the implementation of the Federation`s policy and activities
8.2 Vice Chairman shall be responsible for the special tasks by the President and Leading Member`s meeting
8.3 Vice Chairman shall coordinate the policy of the Federation with the policy of branch Committee of National Festival Horse Racing
Article Nine. Secretary General
9.1 Secretary General shall work out the policy of the Federation and make plan of the Federation
9.2 Secretary General must be full time staffed
9.3 Secretary General shall execute daily activities of the Federation
9.4 Secretary General shall regularly cooperate with Physical and Central Sport Organization
9.5 Secretary General shall give working guidance to the city, province soum, district and branch offices and support them
Article Ten. Branch Offices of the Provinces and Capital City
10.1 The Federation has branch offices in the provinces, capital city, soums and districts
10.2 Branch offices in provinces and capital city shall organize and execute the policy of the Federation in local area
10.3 Branch offices and capital cities shall organize horse racing in their local areas
10.4 Branch Offices in provinces and capital cities shall elect their leaders from the Conference. The leader shall be approved by the President of the Federation
10.5 Branch Offices shall be funded by themselves
10.6 The state title and materials of horse trainers shall be handed to the Federation.
10.7 Provinces` titles for horse trainers shall be handed and introduced to the Governor of provinces
10.8 Branch Offices in provinces and capital city shall be in soums and districts
10.9 As a part of this regulation and additional regulations shall be worked out and followed in home country
Article Eleven. Rights and duties of the Federation
11.1 Horse trainers who agreed the regulation of the Federation and horse racing shall be admitted membership of the Federation. Members of the Federation shall pay Tax.
11.2 Members of the Federation shall have right to make proposal about the Federation`s structure, policy and its activities to the Conference.
11.3 Members of the Federation shall have the right to be elected and vote
11.4 If members satisfied conditions for state, province, soums title they shall have right to apply for granting above titles.
11.5 Members shall actively attend the Federation`s activities and respect its reputation
11.6 Members shall perform the regulation of the Federation and horse racing
Article Twelve. Fund
12.1 The capital and fund of the Federation shall be consisted of Leading Member`s tax, the contribution of individuals and organizations, the capital from state budget for the purpose of project implementation and other resources
12.2 Relating to the regulation of the Federation and its implementation business and financial activities shall be engaged
Article Thirteen. Control Service
13.1 Control Service shall be established by the Conference and staffed 3-5 persons
13.2 Head control service shall be selected by service members
13.3 Control service shall take control on capital and financial activities of the Federation
Article Fourteen. Regulation of Abolishment
14.1 The Conference shall discuss about abolishment of the Federation
14.2 Remained capital during the abolishment shall be discussed as appropriate law legalization.